IBEW Local 72
IBEW Local 72

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History of IBEW Local Union 72

History of IBEW LU 72

Local Union 72 was chartered by what was then the National Brotherhood of Electrical Workers on March 2, 1897. With the addition of Local Union 93 in Ottawa, Ontario in 1899, the name was changed to International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.

Originally, the Local was composed chiefly of outside linemen, but gradually the numbers of inside wiremen increased. Around the time of World War II, the outside line group was moved to a different Local Union. The designation of Local Union 72 was held for 2 months by a local in Norfolk, Virginia in 1894, and for 2 weeks by a local in Danville, Illinois, in 1895. The third time was a charm, and Local 72 is still alive and well in Waco, Texas. Local Union 119 of Temple, Texas, was amalgamated into Local Union 72 in 1949.

Over the years the members of Local Union 72 have had a hand in organizing several other groups. Power plant employees of Texas Power and Light Co. in Waco, Trinidad and Rockdale, Texas were members of Local Union 72 for varying amounts of time before gaining their own Local Unions. Likewise, employees of Brazos Power power plants were members of Local Union 72 at one time. In the early 1940's, Local Union 72 gained a sizable group of workers who had been slot machine mechanics until the machines were outlawed in Texas.

Currently, Local Union 72 is composed of strictly inside wiremen, but we stand ready to help any group of workers who need help and advice to organize a union in their workplace. We are entering our second 100 years with confidence and optimism, and as Central Texas grows, we will grow with it.

Page Last Updated: Nov 22, 2021 (10:29:22)
1813 Orchard Ln
Waco, TX 76705

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